Friday, June 17, 2011

Little Summary of My Achievements for this Year

          This year in Helen Bernstein High School was amazing.  What I did for this year is I received a certificate for the Highest GPA with a golden star on it. I was very proud of myself because I worked hard, learning and passing exams to achieve it. Also I am interested to join Dragon News blog to write any event that will happen in school next year. I think it will be fun to share ideas and thoughts. On my other subject, that I have been taken, is accounting. There I studied about debit and credit and how it works. Also I was improving my typing skills online and almost finished with lessons. To conclude, I would say NEVER GIVE UP!!!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Some QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS from The Article"Time Is Money"


1.  What does the author mean when he says, "money can buy you time, which is why we pay physicians and pharmaceutical companies after we have heart attacks"?
2.  Reread the paragraph that starts "But 25% more pay is not the heart of the matter."  The author then says, "People who start businesses are more likely to get rich than anyone else."  According to the author, why is this true?
3.  Explain in your owns words what the heading "The High Cost of Leisure" means given what has been covered so far in the article.  
4.  In what year in human history did productivity begin its "steady upward rise . . . of 2.5% per annum"?
5.  What was Thomas Edison's contribution to "overcoming nature"?  How did his invention overcome nature?
6.  According to the author, how do most of us overcome nature?
7.  According to the author, why do most people don't like to work?
8.  According to Dr. North, how many hours does it take for a person to become competent with something?  Divide that number by 365 and you will get the number of years it takes to be competent.  How many years does it take for someone to be competent at computer engineering or selling real estate?  How many years does it take for someone to be a master of a skill?
9.  Gary North's article promotes and privileges creators over consumers.  He says, "What most people do not recognize early enough is that they should find employment in a field in which the compounding process produces a sense of personal achievement that lures them back into an ever-greater investment of their time. The compounding process is what produces success, but the front-end costs, especially psychological costs, keep out most people. They willingly serve as salary earners rather than creators."  What does he mean by the "compounding process"?
10.  In his section on "The Problem With Schools," Gary North says that great teachers are not allowed to multiply themselves.  What does he mean by multiplying one's self?
11.  According to Dr. North, who in the free-market is king and the person to whom we should serve?
12.  What lesson can you learn from the following story.  "There is a man in my church who owns and operates motels. Back in the 1980s, he was in college, earning a degree in physical education. He was also making $60,000 a year in the motel business. His coach told him to quit school. "You're making more money than I am. Why do you want to teach junior high school boys, whose parents will be on your back to give their kid more playing time?" He wisely dropped out of college."

1) It means that there are people who are worth a billion dollars. No one I know is going to live 300 years unless a major breakthrough in medicine takes place.
2) It is not something newt that people who owns businesses and work longer that makes the big difference. To have more benefit from this, they must work long hours, because the consumers are demanding. The consumer have to work harder and smarter. So the owner will pay you a lot more if you do so.
3) Leisure was once the major blessing of slave-ownership. The article tells us how people praised leisure for the good life. At that time hat was work only for slaves. Most of man's hard manual labor has been the norm. Men had to struggle with the earth for the living. Most of their children died before reaching adulthood. But In 19s it had changed, technologies and living conditions improved.
4) steady upward rise . . . of 2.5% per annum beginning in the mid-18th century.
5) Most of  humans overcome nature with tools, not with hard physical labor. They probably overcome nature with capital and therefore thrift. For most people in history, nature has provided little value above what was put into it. The net productivity of autonomous nature is low. Only through capital investment does nature produce sufficient output to provide lots of excess wealth, which is taken in the form of leisure.
6) Most of the people overcome nature with tools, not hard physical labor.
7) Most of the people don't like to work because our technologies develop fast so machines work for us as slaves and do most of the humans' job. Also hating their job causes people to quit and stop working.
8) It takes 1,000 hours/365= 2 it takes to be competent.  A bachelor's degree takes most people five years to earn. If we think of a work week as 40 hours, that's an investment of 50 x 40 x 5 = 10,000 hours Cost of the move from competence (1,000 hours) to mastery (5,000 hours)= 13 years to mastery.
9) I looked up in the dictionary and compounding as an adjective means  divided into parts, so may be this process have many parts/ steps.
10) I think in his phrase he meant that if someone, such as teacher, has better degree than others shouldn't raise his/her self like they deserve more. If every teacher has the same salary with good degree or not if the teacher has better experience that also counts.
11) I learned from this story that whoever tells you to quit the college/university tells you you may make more money if you will work without that too, trust me that will never happen. This is how the world is. Man with degree and experience will choose  for the work without line. Never quit or stop to achieve your goals.

Friday, June 10, 2011

What the Turks Can Teach Us about Recycling?

                                  Questions About An Article.......
a. Who is Scott Walker?
b.  An editorial in The Journal was outraged by a decision that Walker was considering.  What did Walker want to do?
c.  Why did Governor Walker surrender his plan, and what were the arguments his opponents raised?
d.  According to the article, what is the estimated number of waste-pickers worldwide?
e.  Individual homeowners and employees at schools and other institutions believe that it is really important to separate recyclable items like paper, glass, and plastic.  According to the article, how would individual waste-pickers benefit from just throwing everything away into a single bin?
f.  What is an eskicis?
g.  Open up another tab and google "currency converter."  Find out how much 17,000 lira are in terms of US dollars.
h.  Read that paragraph next to the picture with the "For Sale" real estate sign.  According to that paragraph, what is one of the benefits of allowing individuals roaming neighborhoods to collect trash?
i.  Who is the author of the article you just read?  Where does
j.  In the paragraph where the "Today's Zaman" is linked, what reason does Emir Altıngöller, a junk dealer, give for being content?

1) Scott Walker is the state's governor in Wisconsin.
2) Mr. Walker said that recycling has developed into a service too valuable to toss on the scrap heap.He also meant say recycling is cleaner than garbage, trims energy use, creates jobs, and keeps tons of waste from ending up in landfills.
3) The governor folded his plan when he failed to get the backing of key Republican lawmakers, who said his plan goes too far. So Wisconsin residents can look forward to sorting and separating their paper, plastic, and cans under the thumb of Wisconsin authorities. It's now radical to believe that people should just throw unwanted items away
4) The estimated number of waste-pickers in the world is 15 million.
5) Waste pickers have benefits by collecting materials for hours and then take them to depots where junk dealers buy and sell the thrown-away goods. They appreciate being self-employed
6) Eskisic means making one man's trash another man's treasure.
7) 10771.88 lira to US Dollars.
8) There are employment opportunities for them.
9) Douglas French is an author of this article and he also is the president of the Mises Institute.
10) Emir Altıngöller buys and sells goods by the kilogram. He buys for 40 kuruş and sells for 60 kuruş. He tells us his earnings can vary because there will be days when he makes only TL 10 and days when he makes TL 100. There are times when his total monthly earnings are only TL 500. He is very thankful and happy with his lot because he says he appreciates being self-employed.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

These logos from the place that I attend and I would like to attend

Logo Of Helen Bernstein High School 

 Logo of UCLA (The University Of California) University

Logo Of Woodbury University

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


1.  What does CLEP stand for?
2.  Identify 3 advantages to taking and passing a CLEP Exam.
3.  At the CLEP site, open up a test for any of the subjects.  Go the left-hand menu and find "Registering."  At the page, find out how much a CLEP Exam for one subject costs.  Answer that question: How much does single CLEP Exam cost?
4.  Which two subjects of the CLEP Exam would you be interested in testing?

1) CLEP stands for (College Level Examination Program).
2)Save time. Depending on your college's CLEP policy, a satisfactory score on each CLEP exam can earn you up to 12 credits. Save money. At $77, CLEP is a fraction of the tuition and fees for a college course. Graduate on time.
3)  Each examination costs $77.
4) I would be interested to take Financial Accounting, Calculus, and Introductory Business Law.

Commets about Khan Academy Video Trainings.........

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

~Summary of The Article Minimum Wage's Discriminatory Effects ~

     By reading the article " Minimum Wage's Discriminatory Effects"and digging deeper to understand that man years ago the difference between races had been stopped. Is it possible that discrimination among white and black people continues?
      As to be very persuaded, people were needed some proofs about the minimum salaries' devastating effects. Another study has already reached the same conclusion. Two labor economists, Professors William Even and David Macpherson, released a study for the Washington, D.C.-based Employment Policies Institute titled "Unequal Harm: Minimum Wage Increases." Percentage of being unemployed young adult increases up to 27 percent(%). Also as we can see that the unemployment rate for black young adults was almost 50 percent, but for young black males, it was 55 percent. 
       Among the white males, the economic professors found that each 10 percent increase in a state, but federal minimum wage decreased employment by 2.5 percent. The terrible situation, among black males in this group, is that each 10 percent increase in the minimum wage decreased employment by 6.5 percent. In every business, every job will hire the educated person with experience. So most uneducated African Americans worked in food and drinking establishments. 
     To find a job or hire such a worker would be a losing economic proposition. If the employer could pay that low-skilled worker the value of his skills, he would at least have a job and a chance to advance his skill and earn more in the future.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Join the leadership......

    Today I don't belong to any of the organizations, clubs and so on. Next year I am planing to join leadership club in the Helen Bernstein High School. There we will set the events, discuss them, and present important topics. We also may decorate the place for the dance, do some fantastic effects with lights and projector. What I meant by presenting is that we may motivate students to learn more and try their best to prove their grades on the tests. So, I think it seems interesting for me and the people who will join leadership with me.   

Product or Service would you feel comfortable selling today?

      All around the world we see tons of industries, factories, businesses, successful markets and etc. From these facts I could surely say that open food business  is not a brilliant idea. There are millions fast food, restaurants, and cafe that will compete and bring your dreams of beneficial business down. Sell electronics devices such as  ipods, lap tops, computers, televisions with big screen, is not a good idea either because year by year producers increase there products in better way, unless you may create something unusual that no one did before. 
     Some of my opinions of selling might be little souvenirs for the tourists, who visit your country. In this country I think selling electronic dictionaries including all the languages for foreign people. That may be successful because it will save time finding the spelling of the word and definition. Although you need more tools for it like batteries, clean the screen and so on, trust me it much easier than take a huge dictionary with you.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

The Article about "The Peddler as Hero" by Frank Chodorov

       Frank Chodorov was born on the lower East Side of New York and brought up on the lower West Side. He was middle class, neither poor nor rich. From his early experience he remembered nothing, but only the toy that his father brought him from one of his trips, because he was a man who was peddling. This toy meant a lot for Franck because it was the one that he ever had. Some years passed and peddling has long since gone out of style in that country. So he decided to help building the American economy. He continued this process until he had saved enough to buy a horse and wagon. After that he found a burgeoning community that gave promise of supporting a permanent or resident peddler. Frank built a shack and produced things that people wanted and brought his wife to help him. He built another room to hold more wares, meanwhile moving his wife and children to a more comfortable house. And when he died, but he left his heirs a department store.
      That practice has gone by the boards these days for one reason: the income tax absorbs the savings of the entrepreneur before he can even start his/her business. The tax-collector gets the collection that might have been turProxy-Connection: keep-alive
Cache-Control: over back into the business, and growth from modest beginnings is therefore impossible. The imaginative entrepreneur must begin on a relatively large scale, by borrowing from the government against a government contract or some enterprise undertaken on a government grant or guarantee. The little business man will receive little. 

       The life of the old middle-class man, Frank Chodorov, was by present standards, rather prosaic, even humdrum, being enlivened only by plans for expanding his business. His dreams were to serve the community better ans raise his store up. Among the modern middle-class men, in terms of income and the station in life they have attained, there are two categories that deserve special attention: the bureaucrats and the managers of the great corporations. The idea that attracts the attention of the politicians was the income tax; the socialists and populists advocated, which is in all men's hearts, but the politicians took to it because more taxation means/ brings more power. And getting and exercising power is the principal business of the politician.  
       The young people, those who were born or got their rearing during the New Deal era, do not question that concept of freedom, and the professors of economics, psychology, jurisprudence, sociology and anthropology write learned books in support of it. From now on nobody can help consider on the future. When the present generation, well inured to the Welfare State,  have grown old, even as this book speaks lovingly of the ethic of the peddler class.

Monday, April 25, 2011

My Accomplishments And My Goals......

    Today I would like to list some of my goals that I am planning to achieve in the future, and some which I already reached.
      As I planned in month and a half I will finish my 10th grade in high school with all straight "A", or may be just with one "B".  I already talked to the consoler about my next classes that I want to take. Those some classes will help me to be prepared for my career and increase my knowledge.
     After a couple of month I would like to apply for the work even if it would be helping in the school. That work also will help me to better communicate, explain and understand people/clients. Next in my 11th grade I will search for colleges/ universities and apply for the scholarship. Also by working hard try to keep my straight "A"s because colleges are looking from your 11th grade GPA.
     In conclusion, I hope by reading my goals and achievements will encourage you to improve yourself and work better as me.   

Friday, April 15, 2011

Some Questions About Your Achievements.....

What Have I Gained So Far This Year?

1.  Have I earned more money in the first 3 months of this year than I did this time last year?  How much money have I earned?
2.  How did I earn this money?
3.  With the money that I have earned or received so far this year, what have I purchased?  Of these purchases, which ones, if any, serve my business or job interests?
4.  What specific productive and valuable skills have I learned so far this year that I am most proud of?  
5.  At school, where have my best efforts been applied?
6.  What objectives will I accomplish between now and the end of the school year that will serve my goals building my career and or business?
7.  So far this year, I am most proud of ______.

                                                                  My Answers
1) I didn't earn money in last three month yet, but I had earned some in my last year. I earned pretty much amount that I can spend for myself, and save for other needs
2) I eared this money by working hard, organizing and helping teachers in school.
3)  With money that I earned last year I have purchased new ipod for myself to enjoy the music, but this tool doesn't relate to my career. 
4) I have typing skills, how to work with numbers and getting more in accounting, how to create your site and get some profit from it.
5) My skills of presenting, organizing, setting up the events, art skills, and of course decorating.
6) Accounting, career  awareness, some art classes, marketing in the college and etc......
7) So far this year, I am so proud of that with my class we are getting more in accounting, so at the end of this year I will be able to know how to use specific formulas to calculate the amounts.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

The Biography and Achievements of Jeff Bezon

      Jeffrey P. Bezos was born in Albuquerque, New Mexico. His mother was still in her teens, and her marriage to his father lasted little more than a year. She remarried when Jeffrey was four. Jeffrey's stepfather, Mike Bezos, was born in Cuba; he escaped to the United States alone at age 15, and worked his way through the University of Albuquerque. When he married Jeffrey's mother, the family moved to Houston, where Mike Bezos became an engineer for Exxon. From an early age, Jeffrey displayed a striking mechanical aptitude. He also developed intense and varied scientific interests, rigging an electric alarm to keep his younger siblings out of his room and converting his parents' garage into a laboratory for his science projects. In high school in Miami, Jeffrey first fell in love with computers. He entered Princeton University planning to study physics, but soon returned to his love of computers, and graduated with a degree in computer science and electrical engineering. He stayed in the finance realm with Bankers Trust, rising to a vice presidency. At D. E. Shaw, a firm specializing in the application of  science to the stock market, Bezos was hired as much for his overall talent as for any particular assignment.      J      Jeff met his wife, Mackenzie. Mackenzie drove while Jeff typed a business plan. The company would be called Amazon, for the seemingly endless South American river with its numberless branches. They set up shop in a two-bedroom house, with extension cords running to the garage. Jeff set up three Sun microstations on tables he'd made out of doors from Home Depot for less than $60 each. When the test site was up and running, Jeff asked 300 friends and acquaintances to test it. The code worked seamlessly across different computer platforms. On July 16, 1995, Bezos opened his site to the world, and told his 300 beta testers to spread the word. In 30 days, with no press, Amazon had sold books in all 50 states and 45 foreign countries. By September, it had sales of $20,000 a week. Bezos and his team continued improving the site, introducing such unheard-of features as one-click shopping, customer reviews, and e-mail order verification. The business grew faster than Bezos or anyone else had ever imagined.
        Amazon moved into music CDs, videos, toys, electronics and more. When the Internet's stock market bubble burst, Amazon re-structured, and while other start-ups evaporated, Amazon was posting profits. In 2010, Amazon signed a controversial deal with The Wylie Agency, in which Wylie gave Amazon the digital rights to the works of many of the authors it represents, bypassing the original publishers altogether. This, and Amazon's practice of selling e-books at a price far below that of the same title in hardcover, angered several publishers, as well as some authors, who see their royalty rates threatened. But it appears that the advent of electronic reading devices is increasing the overall sales of books, which can only benefit readers and authors alike. By mid-2010, Kindle and e-book sales had reached $2.38 billion, and Amazon's sales of e-books topped its sales in hardcover. With e-book sales increasing by 200 percent a year, Bezos has predicted that e-books will overtake paperbacks and become the company's bestselling format within a year. Having already revolutionized the way the world buys books, Jeff Bezos is now transforming the way we read them as well.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

The Secret Powers of Life

For 30 years people have discovered that there are six main times on that we live in. Two focus on past, two focus on present and another two on future. Some people focus only on positive things. Others focus on regret, only on doing something bad or bad memories. There are two ways of being present orion. Most obvious hedonistic live to get pleasure. People who is present orion don't like to plan for the future because it makes people to be ready to get old. Future oriented you need to learn how to work rather than plan. You have to have goals and plans for the future. if you"re going to be future oriented you have to trust that is will happen. Those people who live closer to equator they are present orion. Catholic countries manufacture more products. In cities with fast life men have more problems with mental condition. Kids who use to have technology around them when one person on the others are off. Sometimes when you download something it ask you to wait 1 min. and we're already getting angry. Adults at that time were more patient than kids now.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Little Survey of How You See Youself In The Future

  1. What are the three most important things you want for your life?
  2. Work wise, what would you love do to, if time and money were no objects?
  3. Write 3 things that you love to do or these things for which you have intense interests in.
  4. What appeals to you most about being your own boss?
  • Control over my life and your schedule
  • Making money
  • Working at what you love
  • Living and working whatever I want
    5. What do you see as your top 3 challenges right now?
  • Attorney
  • Time
  • Don't know what I love to do
  • Confidence/Courage
  • Lack of business/Working experience
  • Self-discipline
  • Staying on track
    6. Your career should serve the life that you want.
  • What time do you want to get up in the morning?
  • Would you like to work at home or outside the home?
  • Do you want to work with other people or do you prefer to work alone?
  • Would you like to have summers off?


1) The first important thing in my life is being educated master of my career. Open my own business or work in famous company. And also have family.
2) I would love to learn and practice more in art because it's another thing I'd love to do after my career.
3) Art. Organize, represent and do projects for company. Work with numbers, give trainings or advices.
4) The most being my own boss appeals for me is working at what I love.
5) Lack of business, working experience and time
6) It depends on my job. If I need to get up at 6 or 7o'clock I will. I would like to work outside the home like in the office. I want to work with other people. I would like to have summers off, but to work and make money, to support you, your family, and parents is more important. 

Sunday, March 6, 2011

What is economic-manager and qualifications you need to have:

         A rather general term that is usually associated with government. An Economic Development Manager is usually employed by the government, or from a private firm contracted by the government, to improve the prospects of economic growth and expansion. The Economic Development Manager virtually always deals with Capital Goods, with them sometimes dealing with Natural Resources as well.

  • Strongly prefers an advanced degree in economics and several years of ag-related executive consulting or planning experience to demonstrate the ability to research, assimilate and present pertinent information leading to the development and execution of corporate strategic plans.
  • Business knowledge, communication, customer focus, decision making and skill development.
  • Demonstrated ability to understand management decision making processes, management information needs, agricultural marketing, and the analytical ability to develop, interpret, and report meaningful information.
  • Understanding of marketing research-related areas including marketing research, analysis, methodology, and facilitating focus group interviews; cultural awareness along with strategic planning, budgeting, and communications.
  • Proven ability in planning, developing, presenting, implementing, and assessing economic and marketing research activities and programs.
  • Proven supervisory and leadership skills including staffing, orientation, coaching, performance evaluations, training, and development, etc. and the ability to achieve results through others.
  • Proven professional communication skills with executives and boards of directors; persuasion, presentation, and customer service skills.
  • Demonstrated planning, organization, problem-solving, and project management skills.
  • Proven team building skills and the ability to work both independently and in a team-oriented environment.
  • Proven computer skills and the ability to learn MS Office, Lawson, Business Objects, and Host Analytics budget and use the computer to enhance business processes.
  • Must have and maintain a valid driver’s license and have the ability to travel independently and overnight when necessary.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Description of my Neighborhood

Description of my Neighborhood 
        I am standing on 2nd floor of “C” building in Helen Bern-stein High School. The amazing view touches my eyes. In front of my eyes I see a free way with racing cars, which are as fast as horses. The little tears from the clouds dropping down to the earth. It is rain! I see the bridge with green signs for the cars to drive and also some students crossing it. From the top of my building the perfect view of mountains appear. They are huge and strong. In the middle I can see giant white letters of famous Hollywood.
        Let’s go little bit back while I was walking to school. When I left my house it was almost 7:55. At that moment my thoughts filled my mind, ” Am I going to be late or am I going to run to the class as fast as I can so the teacher will mark me present?” With all this questions I walked down to Sunset street. Everything was usual as everyday. Cars are moving toward me, smell of the fresh grass. Voices of excited children going to school to learn. Singing birds catch your attention. Farther there is the cheap store Food 4-less and cars parked near. On the other side of the street I see people standing patiently for the bus to come or else they will be late for the work. Some of them were talking on the phone. Others were walking to the bus stop carrying s cup of coffee with them. The rest were leaning on the wall from tiredness. But the bus wasn’t coming yet.
       I kept walking and walking. My thoughts of being late came up to my mind again. Across from the store there you can smell the tasty food cooked in Van Bakery. Next to it was the clothes shop, which is now closed and has sign, for lease, on it.
      After my long trip I finally reached Wilton street. I was very happy that I am not late. I went straight to my class and the music of happiness filled my heart.