Monday, April 25, 2011

My Accomplishments And My Goals......

    Today I would like to list some of my goals that I am planning to achieve in the future, and some which I already reached.
      As I planned in month and a half I will finish my 10th grade in high school with all straight "A", or may be just with one "B".  I already talked to the consoler about my next classes that I want to take. Those some classes will help me to be prepared for my career and increase my knowledge.
     After a couple of month I would like to apply for the work even if it would be helping in the school. That work also will help me to better communicate, explain and understand people/clients. Next in my 11th grade I will search for colleges/ universities and apply for the scholarship. Also by working hard try to keep my straight "A"s because colleges are looking from your 11th grade GPA.
     In conclusion, I hope by reading my goals and achievements will encourage you to improve yourself and work better as me.   

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