Wednesday, March 30, 2011

The Secret Powers of Life

For 30 years people have discovered that there are six main times on that we live in. Two focus on past, two focus on present and another two on future. Some people focus only on positive things. Others focus on regret, only on doing something bad or bad memories. There are two ways of being present orion. Most obvious hedonistic live to get pleasure. People who is present orion don't like to plan for the future because it makes people to be ready to get old. Future oriented you need to learn how to work rather than plan. You have to have goals and plans for the future. if you"re going to be future oriented you have to trust that is will happen. Those people who live closer to equator they are present orion. Catholic countries manufacture more products. In cities with fast life men have more problems with mental condition. Kids who use to have technology around them when one person on the others are off. Sometimes when you download something it ask you to wait 1 min. and we're already getting angry. Adults at that time were more patient than kids now.

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