Wednesday, March 30, 2011

The Secret Powers of Life

For 30 years people have discovered that there are six main times on that we live in. Two focus on past, two focus on present and another two on future. Some people focus only on positive things. Others focus on regret, only on doing something bad or bad memories. There are two ways of being present orion. Most obvious hedonistic live to get pleasure. People who is present orion don't like to plan for the future because it makes people to be ready to get old. Future oriented you need to learn how to work rather than plan. You have to have goals and plans for the future. if you"re going to be future oriented you have to trust that is will happen. Those people who live closer to equator they are present orion. Catholic countries manufacture more products. In cities with fast life men have more problems with mental condition. Kids who use to have technology around them when one person on the others are off. Sometimes when you download something it ask you to wait 1 min. and we're already getting angry. Adults at that time were more patient than kids now.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Little Survey of How You See Youself In The Future

  1. What are the three most important things you want for your life?
  2. Work wise, what would you love do to, if time and money were no objects?
  3. Write 3 things that you love to do or these things for which you have intense interests in.
  4. What appeals to you most about being your own boss?
  • Control over my life and your schedule
  • Making money
  • Working at what you love
  • Living and working whatever I want
    5. What do you see as your top 3 challenges right now?
  • Attorney
  • Time
  • Don't know what I love to do
  • Confidence/Courage
  • Lack of business/Working experience
  • Self-discipline
  • Staying on track
    6. Your career should serve the life that you want.
  • What time do you want to get up in the morning?
  • Would you like to work at home or outside the home?
  • Do you want to work with other people or do you prefer to work alone?
  • Would you like to have summers off?


1) The first important thing in my life is being educated master of my career. Open my own business or work in famous company. And also have family.
2) I would love to learn and practice more in art because it's another thing I'd love to do after my career.
3) Art. Organize, represent and do projects for company. Work with numbers, give trainings or advices.
4) The most being my own boss appeals for me is working at what I love.
5) Lack of business, working experience and time
6) It depends on my job. If I need to get up at 6 or 7o'clock I will. I would like to work outside the home like in the office. I want to work with other people. I would like to have summers off, but to work and make money, to support you, your family, and parents is more important. 

Sunday, March 6, 2011

What is economic-manager and qualifications you need to have:

         A rather general term that is usually associated with government. An Economic Development Manager is usually employed by the government, or from a private firm contracted by the government, to improve the prospects of economic growth and expansion. The Economic Development Manager virtually always deals with Capital Goods, with them sometimes dealing with Natural Resources as well.

  • Strongly prefers an advanced degree in economics and several years of ag-related executive consulting or planning experience to demonstrate the ability to research, assimilate and present pertinent information leading to the development and execution of corporate strategic plans.
  • Business knowledge, communication, customer focus, decision making and skill development.
  • Demonstrated ability to understand management decision making processes, management information needs, agricultural marketing, and the analytical ability to develop, interpret, and report meaningful information.
  • Understanding of marketing research-related areas including marketing research, analysis, methodology, and facilitating focus group interviews; cultural awareness along with strategic planning, budgeting, and communications.
  • Proven ability in planning, developing, presenting, implementing, and assessing economic and marketing research activities and programs.
  • Proven supervisory and leadership skills including staffing, orientation, coaching, performance evaluations, training, and development, etc. and the ability to achieve results through others.
  • Proven professional communication skills with executives and boards of directors; persuasion, presentation, and customer service skills.
  • Demonstrated planning, organization, problem-solving, and project management skills.
  • Proven team building skills and the ability to work both independently and in a team-oriented environment.
  • Proven computer skills and the ability to learn MS Office, Lawson, Business Objects, and Host Analytics budget and use the computer to enhance business processes.
  • Must have and maintain a valid driver’s license and have the ability to travel independently and overnight when necessary.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Description of my Neighborhood

Description of my Neighborhood 
        I am standing on 2nd floor of “C” building in Helen Bern-stein High School. The amazing view touches my eyes. In front of my eyes I see a free way with racing cars, which are as fast as horses. The little tears from the clouds dropping down to the earth. It is rain! I see the bridge with green signs for the cars to drive and also some students crossing it. From the top of my building the perfect view of mountains appear. They are huge and strong. In the middle I can see giant white letters of famous Hollywood.
        Let’s go little bit back while I was walking to school. When I left my house it was almost 7:55. At that moment my thoughts filled my mind, ” Am I going to be late or am I going to run to the class as fast as I can so the teacher will mark me present?” With all this questions I walked down to Sunset street. Everything was usual as everyday. Cars are moving toward me, smell of the fresh grass. Voices of excited children going to school to learn. Singing birds catch your attention. Farther there is the cheap store Food 4-less and cars parked near. On the other side of the street I see people standing patiently for the bus to come or else they will be late for the work. Some of them were talking on the phone. Others were walking to the bus stop carrying s cup of coffee with them. The rest were leaning on the wall from tiredness. But the bus wasn’t coming yet.
       I kept walking and walking. My thoughts of being late came up to my mind again. Across from the store there you can smell the tasty food cooked in Van Bakery. Next to it was the clothes shop, which is now closed and has sign, for lease, on it.
      After my long trip I finally reached Wilton street. I was very happy that I am not late. I went straight to my class and the music of happiness filled my heart.